Office Number (830 ) 872-0047

Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc


Ramon needs a van to replace his worn out van.

Update: 12/01/2022: We have received more than $4,000 toward a van for Ramon. Thank you for your prayers and support. I have ridden in the van that we are replacing recently: it is scary, though it still runs. I depend on Ramon or Felipe to escort me when I visit Mexico, since it has become

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Street ministry in Piedras Negras

One of the simplest techniques of street ministry is to prepare meals, drive around looking for people to meet, start a conversation with them by offering a simple lunch or clothes, then tell them about Jesus. After contact is made, Follow-up can be arranged by learning where the person lives. Adolfo and Pedro use this

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Adolfo conducts children’s ministry in Piedras Negras

Adolfo and his team are working with several churches in Piedras Negras. They recently held an event at the feeding center. The children enjoyed games, refreshments, teaching, worship, and a time of refreshing. Everyone is so glad to be able to meet freely again. Adolfo told me that many of the churches that he worked

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Reaching the children as they forage in the dump

Pedro and Fabiola reached out to the children of one of the villages near the mission station, Rancho Jovenes del Rey. These children are spending their time rummaging through the trash dump for treasures to take back home. They are delighted to receive new backpacks which are useful in school, trips to the store, and

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Street ministry in the villages near Jimenez

Pedro and Fabiola have returned from their visit to Pedro’s mother. She had been sick, so Pedro took his family and stayed with her to help her recover. They have resumed their ministry activities by doing street ministry in the rural areas of the county. They open the doors by offering food, which is highly

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Preaching the Gospel in Chiapas

These children are part of the ministry of Dentist Dr. Horacio in Bachilon, Chiapas. He has inherited nine congregations when a reformed denomination withdrew from the state of Chiapas. This left the congregations abandoned, but Dr. Horacio was able to add these congregations to the two that he had been pastoring. Praise the Lord for

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Ministry to a woman who was a drug addict

Adolfo found a woman who lost custody of her children due to an addiction to drugs. He ministered to her and found that she is willing to be free and longs to be saved. He ministered to her and found a clinic for her. It is a very good clinic, so she is in good

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Ministry at the municipal land fill

Adolfo returns to the landfill to minister to the workers. They are happy to see him coming, since he always brings things that they can use from food and refreshments to clothes and coats when it is cold. These people are open to hearing the Gospel and giving their lives to Jesus because of the

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Adolfo – Showing a child that Jesus loves her

In the course of street ministry, Adolfo found a young girl who had a kitchen set that she was proud of, but she was delighted to learn that the Lord provided a new one for her! Adolfo ministered to the family, bringing food and supplies seeking an opportunity to meet needs and introduce the family

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Ramon and Norma ministering on the streets

Ramon and Norma went to the streets of Piedras Negras to distribute relief meals and to engage people in and encounter with Jesus. The variety of people on the streets is wide, ranging from Mexican to immigrant, well to do vs. the poor or even homeless, busy people to those with nothing better to do

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