Office Number (830 ) 872-0047

Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc


Adolfo ministers to a family who lost their house

Adolfo found a family who had suffered the destruction of their house. He considered raising money and rebuilding this house for the family, but the Lord did not give him peace to do that. He does plan to help them with some materials so that they can participate in rebuilding their lives. That will still

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Adolfo and his team minister on the streets of Piedras Negras

Street Ministry in Piedras Negras resumes with children’s benevolence ministry. Simple kindness, caring, prayer, and the good news that God is not behind their problems, but is in fact the way out is saving lives, souls, and destinies. Mexico does not have social safety nets anywhere near those available in the United States. The streets

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Harvest Ministries is distributing Bibles to missionaries in

Harvest Ministries sent four boxes of Spanish Bibles including both Old and New Testament, office supplies, Bible tracts, New Testaments, and some children’s Sunday School materials into Chiapas, Mexico. The recipient is a pastor working in the mountains of Chiapas a few miles from the border with Guatemala in the Pacific Ocean area. Harvest Ministries

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Children’s ministry at Rancho Jovenes del Rey

Pedro and Fabiola teach a Bible study group at the ranch just outside of Jimenez, in Coah. They have developed relationships with the families of the community so that they have gathered a group of enthusiastic children who enjoy the sessions. Fabiola and Pedro teach the classes and organize the activities. They provide refreshments or

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Adolfo Street Ministry

Adolfo visits some families that he has been working with for a while. They are struggling without food, so he brought diner and ministered to them. Thank you for helping send him. Each of these little ones is precious in the sight of our great God. Jesus told his disciples “you give them something to

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Restarting Bible classes at Rancho Jovenes del Rey

Pedro and Fabiola have restarted their classes for children in the Jimenez/Dolores area. They provide food, games, educational activities, Bible teaching, and ministry to the children. They also reach out the the families. These are families that we have been working with for many years. The children are happy to come and enjoy both the

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Christmas celebrations on the streets of Piedras Negras

This series of pictures summarize Adolfo’s team ministering to children and families in feeding centers and on the streets of Piedras Negras. The outpouring of love from our partners brought joy to these precious souls. Thank you so much for your faithfulness. Our ministers and associates thank you for making our outreach efforts for Christmas

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Christmas in Estasion Marte, Coah.

Adolfo visited Estasion Marte for a Christmas celebration. It is so good to see his team return to the Cuatro Cienegas region with the Gospel! Thank you Partners for your generous help. God is our source, but he uses many channels to meet the needs. Bless you. These people are grateful for the attention and

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Christmas in Nuevo Yucatan

Thank you so much, dear Partners for making it possible for Adolfo to get a sturdy, van with which to minister deep in the Quatro Cienegas desert, including the mountains. There are several mountains in the area. Adolfo and his team visited the village, celebrated Christmas with the residents, presented the Gospel, and encouraged the

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Christmas party in Piedras Negras feeding center

Adolfo has access to several churches and feeding centers in Piedras Negras. in Piedras Negras. When an event such as this Christmas party is held, the children and families from the neighborhood are invited and treated to snacks (or a meal), presents, games, teaching, and preaching. The thrust is evangelistic so the opportunity to meet

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