Bob King Ministries Blog
This blog is designed to supplement our usual communication with our partners through newsletters that are published monthly. This format allows more flexibility in our presentation of the ministry.
Please understand throughout this blog that although we have many wonderful pictures of ministry to children and young adults in our archives, we respect the privacy of the people to whom we minister. The pictures presented here are selected deliberately to minimize the public exposure of the children’s images.
Ministry to the sick
Adolfo’s team recently ministered supplies and Gospel to some people who are ill. Some of them suffer from chronic diseases, others from injuries. These families are in a helpless condition and need the Gospel. Though Adolfo is not trained in medicine, he ministers with what he has. Jesus counts ministry to the helpless as ministry
Adolfo ministers to Children in Piedras Negras
Adolfo delivered food, the Gospel and prayer for children and families in an unnamed neighborhood of Piedras Negras (yes, Piedras Negras is a big city with many dozens of neighborhoods and districts. We are reaching out to minister to them all, but the process is slow. Thank you, Partners for the prayers and support that
Harvest Ministries community seminars for rural families
Cooking class does not sound impressive by itself, but these classes introduce the families to new kinds of recipes and ingredients that go beyond those that have been passed down for generations in the villages. Food can be either medicine or toxic, slowly weakening the body and subjecting it to inflammation and degenerative disease. Though
Harvest Ministries hosts classes for the community at the mission station
Recently Dr. Romo and his wife, Alice hosted a meeting which included programs from the state Cultural Mission. The program teaches and demonstrates nutrition, small family gardening, soil preparation, bread and sweetbread making, basic to intermediate nursing, food preparation and conservation, music, carpentry, an electrician apprentice program, and a small business program. Mision Cultural is