Office Number (830 ) 872-0047

Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc

Adolfo’s school, Escuela del Rey is a primary and secondary school.

Adolfo and Rosita drive children to school in a borrowed van.

The new school called Escuela del Rey is an outreach of Adolfo’s ministry. He is using the name in honor of Bob King, Sr. who with his wife, Betty founded the ministry that raised Rosita in the children’s home known as Casa del Rey. They are working in association with Hungry Kids International, and we are delighted to support and encourage them. This couple has started from very little and has assembled a loyal team of willing workers. They are still young enough to have the energy to recognize and seize opportunities to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ as far as they can reach. Their ministry started in Piedras Negras and has centered there with two properties that they use as feeding centers when the crowd restrictions are not in place (officially they still are in Mexico), several churches, a feeding center and now a school. Outside of Piedras Negras, they minister in the cuatrocienegas desert region. The first outreach is Estasion Marte in the desert 438 km (272 miles) requiring 5 hr. 13 minutes according to Google Maps. Nuevo Yucatan is a village located about 20 miles further up the mountains. They are busy, but they could not be happier as they work for Jesus while there is still time and opportunity.

The school is located in Piedras Negras. It has two class rooms and one restroom. Simple, but it works on the old education models where several grades were grouped in the same class, so that the older students could help coach the younger, and the younger students could be lead by the older students. This model avoids the terrible peer pressure that the public school systems subject the children to.

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The rooms are similar, but they are set up differently. In these pictures, Adolfo is teaching or illustrating Bible stories or faith concepts.

The school is being taught by Adolfo’s sister and her husband. They are instructors and believers. Schooling is expensive, so we appreciate the generous support of our partners. God is our source, so we look confidently to the future.

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