Bob King Ministries Blog
This blog is designed to supplement our usual communication with our partners through newsletters that are published monthly. This format allows more flexibility in our presentation of the ministry.
Please understand throughout this blog that although we have many wonderful pictures of ministry to children and young adults in our archives, we respect the privacy of the people to whom we minister. The pictures presented here are selected deliberately to minimize the public exposure of the children’s images.
Adolfo ministers to the poor in Piedras Negras.
The money for Adolfo’s van has been sent to him, so his new van is on the way! None the less, for the past several weeks, he has had very little transportation support. He has used his resources to visit the poor neighborhoods to distribute food, supplies, and hope. Prayer and evangelism bring spiritual ministry
We reached our financial goal for Adolfo to purchase a ministry van in Mexico.
Thank you for your support for Adolfo’s ministry. The van that he has been using has broken down and he is left with a small car to reach out the the people of Piedras Negras. It is too small for him to do any benevolence ministry of any scale, particularly if he has to get
Humanitarian Crisis in Jimenez
Pedro and Fabiola minister to illegal immigrants (their presence in Mexico is also illegal) who continue to make their way in crowds to the northern border of Mexico. We have very little to offer them, but we are doing what we can to prevent the people from starving and rioting. The situation in Mexico is
Daycare ministry in Piedras Negras
Pedro and Fabiola are ministering to children in a daycare setting in Piedras Negras. The parents of the children do not want for us to share the photographs, but the facility is active. There are still three children and they are looking for more. God Bless them in their ministry efforts, and thank you for