Bob King Ministries Blog
This blog is designed to supplement our usual communication with our partners through newsletters that are published monthly. This format allows more flexibility in our presentation of the ministry.
Please understand throughout this blog that although we have many wonderful pictures of ministry to children and young adults in our archives, we respect the privacy of the people to whom we minister. The pictures presented here are selected deliberately to minimize the public exposure of the children’s images.
Adolfo Street Ministry
Adolfo visits some families that he has been working with for a while. They are struggling without food, so he brought diner and ministered to them. Thank you for helping send him. Each of these little ones is precious in the sight of our great God. Jesus told his disciples “you give them something to
Restarting Bible classes at Rancho Jovenes del Rey
Pedro and Fabiola have restarted their classes for children in the Jimenez/Dolores area. They provide food, games, educational activities, Bible teaching, and ministry to the children. They also reach out the the families. These are families that we have been working with for many years. The children are happy to come and enjoy both the
Christmas celebrations on the streets of Piedras Negras
This series of pictures summarize Adolfo’s team ministering to children and families in feeding centers and on the streets of Piedras Negras. The outpouring of love from our partners brought joy to these precious souls. Thank you so much for your faithfulness. Our ministers and associates thank you for making our outreach efforts for Christmas
Christmas in Estasion Marte, Coah.
Adolfo visited Estasion Marte for a Christmas celebration. It is so good to see his team return to the Cuatro Cienegas region with the Gospel! Thank you Partners for your generous help. God is our source, but he uses many channels to meet the needs. Bless you. These people are grateful for the attention and