Bob King Ministries Blog
This blog is designed to supplement our usual communication with our partners through newsletters that are published monthly. This format allows more flexibility in our presentation of the ministry.
Please understand throughout this blog that although we have many wonderful pictures of ministry to children and young adults in our archives, we respect the privacy of the people to whom we minister. The pictures presented here are selected deliberately to minimize the public exposure of the children’s images.
Feed my sheep – Pedro and Fabiola at a feeding center
Children are always on the Lord’s mind. His calling to the Apostle Peter alluded heavily to his profound care for his little lambs. The world is a harsh place to grow up in at best, but in neighborhoods that are rife with drugs, alcoholism, etc. it is even more difficult. It is into this world
Adolfo and his team minister to children
Feeding centers are always attractive to children. Adolfo enjoys ministering to the Lord by reaching and feeding his lambs. The events include refreshments, gifts, teaching, prayer ministry, and fun.
Ramon and Norma evangelize immigrants
Ramon and his wife Norma brought supplies and the Gospel to a group of immigrants headed for the US. The streams of people are as troublesome for Mexico as they are for the US, but the Lord has a plan to turn the problem around so that it will end up blessing us. Great difficulties
Harvest Ministries November newsletter
Dr. Albert M.D., N.D. and Mrs. Romo Harvest Ministries [Harvest Health International Ministries] is one of our associate ministries. Dr. Romo sent his most recent newsletter for publication. They are based in Allende, Coah., Mexico and operate without a non-profit organization. They have authorized us to represent their ministry, and we are honored to do