Office Number (830 ) 872-0047

Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc


Street ministry in Piedras Negras

Adolfo and team minister to residents of the poor colonias in Piedras Negras. With each contact, they minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the people. Some are desperately poor. We appreciate these people who were willing to be photographed so that you could see some of the visitation effort. Though the weather is

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Adolfo and his team minister at the Bread of Life Feeding Center

Bread of Life is a Church in Piedras Negras. The pastoral staff has invited Adolfo and his team to minister with them in feeding the hungry and preaching the Gospel. Adolfo is an Evangelist, and that anointing enables him to draw a crowd. He gathers children and parents to a meeting where teaching, preaching, and

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Pedro and Fabiola doing humanitarian relief at the border

The flood of immigrants from Haiti has lead to a difficult humanitarian problem along the northern border of Mexico. Pedro and Fabiola are the closest of our missions stations to Cd. Acuña (which is across the Rio Grande river from Del Rio, TX). They are providing relief with supplies that have been gathered in Mexico.

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Dr. Romo ministers the Gospel in Lacondon, Chiapas

Dr. Albert, M.D., N.D. and Alice Romo ministered in Lacondon Chiapas last month. They sent these pictures for our partners to see. The Romos operate Harvest Ministries, which ministers in and to Mexico. They are medical missionaries who have found marvelous favor from many of the tribal people in Chiapas. They have access to areas

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Evangelizing the Devil’s Alley in Piedras Negras

Adolfo is returning to a neighborhood that he worked three years ago. It was overrun by gangs, so he was forced to leave, but the Lord has sent him back. He plans to open a feeding center either in or near the neighborhood. This is still a dangerous place, but we go where the Lord

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We are raising money for Adolfo to acquire a Van.

Adolfo has found a van typical of what he needs to minister deeper into Mexico than the unreliable van that he currently owns. This model is:. 2012. 73,000 Miles. Current price, $8800 (price converted to Dollars). Plates $250Since Mexico is the land of “One more paper”, costs for taxes and transfer fees can easily put

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Harvest Ministries distributed school supplies for children in the Allende area in Northern Coahuila, Mexico.

Dr. Romo, M.D., N.D. and his wife Alice are medical missionaries in Mexico. Their base of ministry is in the village called Ejido Palomas Y Dolores located near Allende. Their objective is to evangelize Mexico and Texas. They do this by community seminars, preaching, teaching health principles, treating patients, medical school, clinic, organic agriculture, benevolence,

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Pricila and Mague are enjoying themselves at Casa del Rey

Last month we repaired the apartment in which Pricila and Mague live. It had run down since the groups have not visited for several years now. However, the house is quite comfortable again. Prici enjoyed a party for her and a walk with the dog afterwards. Pricila is still epileptic and needs constant oversight. We

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Harvest Ministries at the mission station in Ejido Dolores Y Palomas

Dr. and Mrs. Romo founded and operate Harvest Ministries. They operate from a mission station along the border between the interior and the frontier region of Coahuila, Mexico. The mission offers medical, agricultural, and staple foods for the surrounding communities. The mission station operates a clinic and a church. Dr. Romo also represents the Albert

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Party time at Escuela del Rey

Life is not all school work, so the teachers and staff pause for a summer party. I did not hear any complaints from the children. Thank you Partners. We are working to bring joy and hope for the future into the lives of these children and their families. Benevolence can only go so far: only

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The daycare is operational in Piedras Negras

Pedro and Fabiola are operating a daycare in Piedras Negras as a missionary outreach. They have two children so far. We rejoice and believe God for more children to follow. The activities are preschool including Bible stories for young children. thank you partners. In many cases, we can show pictures, but we must protect the

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