Office Number (830 ) 872-0047

Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc

We are raising money for Adolfo to acquire a Van.

Adolfo has found a van typical of what he needs to minister deeper into Mexico than the unreliable van that he currently owns. This model is:
. 2012
. 73,000 Miles
. Current price, $8800 (price converted to Dollars)
. Plates $250
Since Mexico is the land of “One more paper”, costs for taxes and transfer fees can easily put the final cost of the vehicle at $10,000. Of course, this van will be on the market for a relatively short period of time, but it is typical of the market. So we will continue to raise money toward this project until we can sent him the money to buy a suitable vehicle.

Adolfo has not been able to return to either Estasion Marte or Nuevo Yucatan since late February 2021. He was able to make these trips with borrowed or rented vehicles, but those avenues have closed. The mission field is wide open to us, but he needs transportation to get teams and supplies to the people. We appreciate your prayers with us about this project.

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