Office Number (830 ) 872-0047

Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc


Healing of a tumor

Adolfo testifies of an unusual healing that happened in his ministry. This little girl suffered from an obvious tumor in the pit of her arm. After prayer, the tumor abated. Adolfo paid for the ultrasound, which determined that the tumor was gone and what remained is a gangliar mass (nervous tissue). The family had been

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Street Ministry in Piedras Negras

Adolfo is canvasing the streets in Piedras Negras to find people who are open to hearing the Gospel. In the process, he visited a shelter that is housing immigrants. The people who are staying there were happy to receive something to eat. This gave him an opportunity to tell them that Jesus sent him because

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Ramon and Norma ministering at the park

Norma is a very good preacher. She is very personable, so that people like her and are willing to listen to her. She distributed some sweet bread to a crowd a the park and began preaching to them. Afterward she handed out Christian literature to those who were interested. This small crowd listened contentedly and

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Children’s Church in Chiapas in connection with Harvest Ministries

Harvest Ministries (an affiliate ministry of Hungry Kids International) has been sending literature and materials in support of several churches in Chiapas. This post reports on a children’s evangelism meeting in Ocosingo, Chiapas. The children are happy to be invited and pleased that they can learn about Jesus who loves them and is able to

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Adolfo evangelizes children in Piedras Negras

The children in this center are gathered for a service made specially for them. There are games, lessons, refreshments, prayer, activities, and of course, Jesus! These meetings draw many children into the churches. There is excitement from being together and from the spiritual environment where the Spirit of the Lord is. While children are young

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Street ministry

Adolfo often packs up food and goes into the neighborhoods visiting areas that he has ministered in previously and looking for new families to work with. He has asked the Lord for 1,000 children in Piedras Negras. We pray for him that he will be successful and surpass this goal. Adolfo and his team visit

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Adolfo ministering at a feeding center in Piedras Negras

Adolfo partners with churches in Piedras Negras so that he can operate feeding center and benevolence distribution in cooperation with them. The people who come to receive food, children’s ministry, clothing, shoes, household supplies, etc. hear the Gospel preached and taught by Adolfo, and by the ministry staff of the churches. The strategy allows Adolfo

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Backpacks for School Children

Recently, many backpacks were made available to us to distribute to school children. The young people were thrilled to receive these useful gifts. This will make it easier for them to carry their school materials and other necessities. Few families in the neighborhoods that we minister in have automobiles, so backpacks greatly help people transport

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Harvest Ministries is partnered with pastors and missionaries in Chiapas.

The jungles of Chiapas are notoriously difficult to access, but the door is open to Brother Albert Romo, M.D., N.D. and his wife, Alice. Harvest Ministries provides Bibles, Christian literature, Seeds for family gardens, health seminars, classes for medical missionaries, radio segments, and on-site teaching/preaching. They work through partner pastors who benefit from their efforts.

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Street ministry in Piedras Negras

Ramon and Norma have been ministering on the streets of Piedras Negras. They meet locals and immigrants. Both groups are comprised of eternal souls, so we must ignore the politics and share Jesus with them as we encounter them. As always, benevolence breaks the ice and opens the door to conversation. Next, the introduction of

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Ministry to the immigrants on the Mexican side of the border

Ramon and Norma minister to groups of people who have come from mostly Spanish America, but also those who come from all over the world. These people are hoping to enter the United States, but the border does slow them down. While they are waiting, we have an opportunity to reach out to them with

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