Office Number (830 ) 872-0047

Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc

Reaching immigrants for Jesus

Ramon and Norma have been working with the streams of immigrants who are seeking asylum in the USA. Many of these people are receptive to the Gospel. They have come from countries that have no rule of law, so they see the USA as their last best hope. We are loosing our country fast, but the Lord has not given up on us. We must not loose hope either. Judgement and exposure are coming against the wicked, but we must pray and stand against unrighteousness here or we will be living in a lawless country just like these people. We are reaching out to the immigrants with the Gospel (The Bible is a very political book), and we are active as salt and light in our own country.

The staff and our associates are also standing for righteousness against the darkness that Isaiah 60 describes. The moral darkness and depravity are obvious to people who know the way, the truth, and the life; but the darkness seems normal to those who are lost in darkness and dead in sin. Only the preaching of the Cross, the resurrection, and the coming judgement can enlighten people and turn them around.

The people represented here are receiving care and teaching from Ramon and Norma. They are able ministers of the Gospel who have served as teachers, house parents, administrators, evangelists, and medical missionaries.

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