Office Number (830 ) 872-0047

Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc

Adolfo ministering to immigrants

Adolfo’s team ministers to immigrants who need the Gospel of the Kingdom. They came in search of a better way of life. It is a mixed crowd including some who are looking to disrupt and destroy the US. There are strong reasons for supporting legal immigration and resisting illegal immigration. Others are poor and know little about what to expect whereas there are many who are fleeing from socialistic regimes that have removed freedom, destroyed the economy, and are attracted to the “American dream”. Though none of these people should be crowding at the border, they are here and they are in need. Hungry people are more likely to listen to preaching than are self satisfied people. We have this brief opportunity to teach and preach the Gospel complete with prayer ministry for these people for whom Christ died. Since so many of them speak Spanish, they are easier to reach while they are still in Mexico. So we reach out with the strength that we have.

Few people understand what makes Western Civilization work, but a genuine understanding of its foundation is life changing. Even in North America, the principle of rule of law over rule of men is greatly weakened, yet it is not dead! What makes civilization work is the following principle: “Do all you have said you will do, and do not impinge on other persons or their property” (Richard Maybury of Henry Madison Research, Inc.). This is also the practical summary of Ten Commandment law. It does the same thing. Lawlessness is abounding though, and the love of many is growing cold. The Gospel of the Kingdom is about obedience to King Jesus and repentance from sin. Without that there is no American dream or any other dream that does not become a nightmare. The path to freedom runs through the Cross of Calvary: No King, but Jesus!

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