Office Number (830 ) 872-0047

Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc

Ministry in Marte; Yea! Adolfo made it back!

Adolfo was able to take a team back to Marte recently, and the people were very happy to see them. It has been many months since it has been possible for him to return. The first problem was the failure of his vehicle. Our partners saw to it that he was able to replace it! Thank God. That put him back in action, but there were still licensing and financial issues that prevented his return. A ministry to trip to Marte and to Nuevo Yucatan is expensive compared to street ministry or feeding center ministry, so he has had to wait for clearance and resources. A successful trip usually involves more than one vehicle, clothes, food, toys, Bibles, school supplies, etc. Then there is hospitality cost for the team. These communities are very receptive, so a well prepared trip will result in Gospel ministry that changes lives and eternal destinies. Other than Adolfo, these communities are un-reached peoples who are hungry for the Gospel. There are many other villages in the state of Coahuila, which is only one state. Mexico has many other places where the Gospel would be received if it were preached. They are worth the effort and expense required to reach them, and we are so grateful for the support that our partners have made available. Thank you for giving to the Lord!

Clothing is very important to the village economy. The means of supply for this community has been the railroad, but the train station has not been active for decades, though trains do pass. Vehicles or peddlers are a major source of contact with the outside world.

Ministry of all types is happening in this community when the team is on the ground. The people are hungry for God. They are thus very open to receiving life and peace from Jesus. They have also learned that Jesus heals the sick. Of course, Jesus sent the food and supplies…because he loves them.

The area is not exactly urban, so any attention from the outside world is a big treat! Thank you, partners for making these trips possible. God Bless you!

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