Office Number (830 ) 872-0047

Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc


Benevolence ministry in Piedras Negras

Pedro and Fabiola are doing street ministry in Piedras Negras. The strategy is to go where the Lord directs the team, gather groups of people with needed food and supplies, get to know the people and the community, teach and preach the Gospel, and then return to follow up on the people so that they

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Adolfo evangelizes at the city dump

Surprising as it may be to some, there is a community that makes a living mining (scavenging) the trash dump. These people are in addition to the municipal workers who maintain the land fill. Jesus did not ignore the people who were overlooked by the rest of his society, and we must not do that

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Bibles for pastors and evangelists in Chiapas

Dr. Albert and Alice Romo of Harvest Ministries are working with a network of pastors and evangelists in the state of Chiapas. They travel to the region, conduct seminars, classes, clinics, and preach the Gospel. but they also send supplies, curricula, Bibles, tracts, school supplies, medical equipment, etc. into Mexico. The aim is to preach

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Pedro continues repairs on the Staff house at Rancho Jovenes del Rey

Repair continues at the mission station that we have always called Rancho Jovenes del Rey, located in Ejido Dolores (across the San Diego river from Jimenez). Water damaged the bathroom area of the building starting from the second floor. Pedro was able to repair it thanks to the small but steady donations that have been

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Harvest Ministries ministers the Gospel through the health message

Dr. Romo and Alice reach out to the Allende area villages through bi-weekly seminars designed to train the people how to prevent disease, recover from illness and thrive. The Gospel is integral in the health message, since God created us to need him for wholeness. The Lord provides food, water, sunshine, fresh air, and his

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Pedro and Fabiola distribute backpacks to school children in Jimenez

Backpacks are always useful and welcome, particularly for school children. They are delighted to receive a new backpack with which to carry not only school supplies, but the many other types of things that young people have to carry. It is handy for a trip to the store as well. These backpacks were received from

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Street ministry in Piedras Negras

Pedro and Fabiola are ministering benevolence and the Gospel to the people they find on the streets. This is not as awkward in Mexico as it often is in the USA. These people are happy to stop and listen. The Gospel produces soul prosperity which results in better family and economic decisions, so born again

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Pedro and Fabiola minister in Piedras Negras

The feeding center that hosts Pedro and Fabiola is visited by many of the local poor, but there are also many immigrants who come to be fed and to find something to occupy themselves with. Pedro and Fabiola minister the Word of God to them as they bring food. The food lasts only for the

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Felipe and the congregation of Pacto de Paz doing street ministry

Felipe and Angelica pastor the church named Pacto de Paz. The name means Covenant of Peace. Recently some of the congregation ministered the Gospel in the streets of Piedras Negras offering food and prayer ministry to the people who they found. The congregation prepared food and helped pray for people who asked for ministry (many

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Pedro and Fabiola ministering in a feeding center

Though it is hot, there is still ministry to be done. Pedro and Fabiola work together to minister to the needs of the people so that they can then teach and preach the Gospel. Fabiola is teaching the people how to stay healthy by making better choices in their food, activities, exercise, hydration, sanitation, exposure

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We are at work to recover and update the website.

I apologize for the website silence for the past few weeks. Our teams have in fact slowed down due to rain and exhaustion from working in the heat this summer, but they are still working. I also had a flu that presented many of the symptoms of COVID. I was very tired and stayed home.

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Building repair continues at Rancho Jovenes del Rey

Pedro has uncovered additional water damage in the two story staff house/dorm unit. We have used the fund that was designated for projects like this, and we believe that the Lord will finish project. Thank you, partners for your prayers and support! God bless you.

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