Norma tells me that through the radio ministry people have have called in and reported that they have been won to Jesus. Discipleship follows for those who are interested in continuing to follow Jesus. There are people who call in with questions relating to their health and to their spiritual condition. There is a deep hunger in many people for truth and righteousness. Naturopathy (as practiced in our ministry) is based on Bible principles of the fall, grace, redemption, salvation by grace through faith, personal responsibility, and diligence in following after the Lord Jesus. There are eight laws of health. These are not taught as legalistic rules, but they are substances, attitudes, and spiritual strength that support recovery and health. These are: Nutrition, pure water, exercise, rest, clean air, sunshine (preferably morning sun), self control, faith in God. In Naturopathy neither the physician nor the medicine are central to bring about healing; but Jesus is necessary. All healing comes from God. He designed our bodies to recover and thrive if we give them what they need and protect them from what would harm them. We honor God by taking care of this temple of the Holy Spirit. Unbelievers can find healing, but we are going for full salvation and regeneration, so that the spiritually dead come to life in Jesus Christ.
This is a wonderful opportunity to teach and preach the word of God. Thank you for your support in our outreach to fulfill the great commission to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.