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Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc

Pedro and Fabiola hold a class in Naturopathy

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Pedro and Fabiola work and live in the mission station known as Rancho Jovenes del Rey. It functioned as a boy’s home for decades, but now is an organic farm, a children’s ministry, base for a benevolence ministry and health training center. The Ranch is located in the village called Ejido Dolores which is across the San Diego river from Jimenez, Coah. situated along highway 2, which runs along the Rio Grande river.

Pedro and Fabiola are Medical Missionaries capable of teaching people how to care for themselves naturally. This is is an evangelistic activity in that the Eight laws of health [Nutrition, Exercise, Pure Water, Sunshine, Self Control, Pure Air, Rest, and Faith in God] require spiritual input from God.

Our health training improves the community by helping them understand their condition and make lifestyle choices that can greatly improve their strength and vitality. We prefer this kind of outreach over sending teams of doctors from the United States because it is sustainable over a long term. That is, the people are trained in how to use local foods, herbs, and locally available equipment. Medical teams that bring in expensive pharmaceuticals, or medicines that are not otherwise available can leave the local people dependent on medications that are unaffordable or impossible to obtain. The greater problem is that the patient may no longer respond to the former prescriptions. This is not to disrespect the dedication and honor of the many US physicians who do work in Mexico. They must go where the Lord sends them. This note just mentions an unintended consequence that should be planned for by any visiting team.

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