Bob King Ministries Blog
This blog is designed to supplement our usual communication with our partners through newsletters that are published monthly. This format allows more flexibility in our presentation of the ministry.
Please understand throughout this blog that although we have many wonderful pictures of ministry to children and young adults in our archives, we respect the privacy of the people to whom we minister. The pictures presented here are selected deliberately to minimize the public exposure of the children’s images.
Ministry to a woman who was a drug addict
Adolfo found a woman who lost custody of her children due to an addiction to drugs. He ministered to her and found that she is willing to be free and longs to be saved. He ministered to her and found a clinic for her. It is a very good clinic, so she is in good
Ministry at the municipal land fill
Adolfo returns to the landfill to minister to the workers. They are happy to see him coming, since he always brings things that they can use from food and refreshments to clothes and coats when it is cold. These people are open to hearing the Gospel and giving their lives to Jesus because of the
Adolfo – Showing a child that Jesus loves her
In the course of street ministry, Adolfo found a young girl who had a kitchen set that she was proud of, but she was delighted to learn that the Lord provided a new one for her! Adolfo ministered to the family, bringing food and supplies seeking an opportunity to meet needs and introduce the family
Ramon and Norma ministering on the streets
Ramon and Norma went to the streets of Piedras Negras to distribute relief meals and to engage people in and encounter with Jesus. The variety of people on the streets is wide, ranging from Mexican to immigrant, well to do vs. the poor or even homeless, busy people to those with nothing better to do