Office Number (830 ) 872-0047

Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc

Adolfo ministering to children in Piedras Negras

The team returns to a neighborhood that was recently visited to do follow up ministry and help the children. We minister to the parents as well as the children in an effort to win the whole family. Makeshift houses are common in many of the newly opened colonias (settlements). The families cannot afford materials or builders to plan and build houses, so they collect whatever materials that they can gather and start building on an unclaimed spot of land. A favorite building material is the shipping pallet. It can be used for walls or fences. Steel roofing is highly sought after. Tarps will substitute, but the weather destroys them within a year of use. The families build their houses generationally, adding rooms as they are needed and improving building materials as the family becomes established in the community. Eventually, this area will look like a respectable neighborhood. That is how cities grow in Mexico. While the communities are very poor, they are open to benevolence and ministry. Many of them are sick, thus they are in need of prayer, medicine, building materials, and anything useful. Thank you for helping keep the teams on the field. God Bless you!

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