Office Number (830 ) 872-0047

Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc


Ministry in Palmira

Pedro and Fabiola bring support and supplies to the village of Palmira bringing the Gospel into a Catholic community. The people are more than happy to gather and receive help and supplies from the missionaries. Pedro is able to preach and offer prayer ministry to the members of the community. Twenty five years ago the

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Adolfo Marte

Adolfo has been able to return to Estasion Marte several times since he bought the new pick-up truck. He is supporting a young pastor in the village, and the children are grateful for the support that he sends. You are part of everything that he is doing for the Lord. Thank you, Partners! God bless

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Headquarters fleet problem

Our fleet is aging, but we still have one vehicle that has many miles left in it. Yet the repairs have been more expensive than we can keep up with. We have spent near $6,000 so far and I had to stop working on it to wait on the Lord to catch us up financially

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Ministry in the village of Palmira

Pedro and Fabiola gathered supplies and visited the villagers in Ejido Palmira in the municipality of Jimenez. The people are resourceful and hardy, but they always appreciate benevolence. This gives us the opportunity to bless them and introduce the Gospel. The community is largely Catholic, so there is resistance to anything non-Catholic, but we continue

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A Church in Piedras Negras has a new building thanks to you, Partners.

Recently, our partners responded to an appeal from Adolfo to help a church in Piedras Negras purchase a house which they could remodel as their Church Sanctuary. The Church’s name translates to “Jesus Is My Refuge”. Enough money came in for the congregation to buy the building and do significant renovation, which was necessary so

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Ramon and Norma minister on the streets in Piedras Negras

Norma is preaching in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Piedras Negras. She and Ramon are using the public address system that was donated to the ministry many years ago. They use food and music to draw a crowd, and then Norma ministers the word. Ramon is the photographer. People are able to find entertainment

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Pedro and Fabiola host a party at the ranch

Holidays are excellent opportunities for evangelism and Bible teaching particularly for children. This post is late, but here is the account of day of the child activities at Rancho Jovenes del Rey. Children, young people, and parents gathered for picknick, games, and Bible teaching. The ranch is an ideal place for families from the local

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Aren’t you glad Jesus doesn’t get stressed?

I was stressed out. Over what, I can’t remember. But at the time it seemed of utmost importance. In deep concerned prayer, not knowing what to say, I paced back and forth at the foot of my bed, wringing my hands, uttering “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Oh, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!” Growing weary, I lay down, propped

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Adolfo received his pick-up

We were thrilled to received such a wonderful response to our project to purchase a pick-up for Adolfo. We had a great need for a pick-up that is strong enough to reliably transport Adolfo and a team into the desert regions of Coahuila, Mexico. He has established mission works in Estasion Marte, Nuevo Yucatan, and

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Pedro and Fabiola — outreach to San Carlos and Palmira

Pedro and Fabiola return to the village of Palmira and to San Carlos. In March they conducted a Children’s Church in Palmira. This trip they are ministering to the adults in the community by offering benevolence, medical ministry, and Gospel teaching. The adults are much more open to being approached with the Gospel when it

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Adolfo brings support for the Pastor and congregation in Palau

Adolfo brought much needed support for a congregation of a young Church in Palau. The neighborhood is poor, and the Church itself is located next to the village dump. The church rejoices when Adolfo and his team arrive to bring support and encouragement for them. Jesus is the bread of life, so he is faithful

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Outreach to the village of Palmira

Pedro and Fabiola visited Palmira in March and I missed reporting it. They were invited to make use of a building that is owned by the village council. It was built to facilitate community events of all types including religious services. The missionaries conducted a Children’s Church event where they taught and preached the Gospel

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