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Bob King Ministries, Inc

Testimony of Sa. Bere Cañedo

Bere has authorized the ministry to use her photograph along with her testimony. She is thrilled to share what the Lord has done in her life as a result of her attendance at the health classes taught by Pedro and Fabiola at Rancho Jovenes del Rey. The testimony was delivered to us in English, but I [the editor] deemed it necessary to clarify the language, style and punctuation for clarity while making every effort to preserve the author’s thoughts as they were written. It is not often that we are given this liberty, but there are many thrilled recipients of the Gospel in our outreaches.

My name is Bere Cañedo, I am twenty-seven years old, and this is my personal experience in the class “Semillas de vida: 9 layes de salud” [Seeds of life: 9 laws of health]

Telling a little more about me, I was born and raised in a Christian home. I studied psychology and the “problems” that I live with is depression and anxiety disorder (since approximately age 9 but diagnosed at 20 years old).

Due to my career, I know how mental health works, I know its signs, triggers, emotional wounds, experiences, traumas, etc. However, despite going to therapy I never healed, I was just the functional person I always was, and everything was apparently fine until a year ago due to a car accident. The episodes began to manifest themselves every day and “ruined my life”, I had to give up my job and my independence as a person since they were so strong that I could not remain stable.

God put in our path and in his perfect time a doctor who sparked interest in the natural field of medicine, he treated me with changes in habits and awareness of what I consumed, and every action I made. Step by step I improved and currently I feel better and stable. This was only the beginning. The classes on the 9 laws in my opinion came to revolutionize all the knowledge I had on issues of Physical, mental, and spiritual health.

I have learned about taking care of my body, how what I allow into my person influences me (food, drink, what I listen to, breathing, gossip, bad news, etc.) and what I allow out (complaint, anger, sadness, distrust, etc.). I had never seen the human body as a ministry which must be cared for and respected. Thanks to this, many physical aspects have been in the process of healing, but above all, the emotional aspects are also being healed. It’s funny how I can understand that more than being sick with two disorders, the reality is that I was malnourished.

The human body is amazing and so perfectly designed by God that everything complements each other and works so well. The great capacity that God gave the body to regenerate and be able to “heal itself” as well as experiencing and coping, many things I could say about It.

There are things [laws are] so basic that we ignore the good they do us, however because of the [choices we make to] comfort [ourselves] we end up harming ourselves. Something as simple as going for a walk for 30 minutes, hydrating yourself correctly, learning to breathe [editor’s note: not referring to yoga], eating a balanced diet, sleeping 8 hours, exposing yourself to the sun. Trust in the Lord (the most important by the way) is true medicine.

I never tire of being grateful for this opportunity to continue learning. I am very grateful for the life of brother Pedro and sister Fabiola who constantly share information with us to enrich us in knowledge. And also, because they are always willing to answer questions and help. Certainly, their title [Medical Missionary] is fitting for them, being educators in the most basic, but so nutritious [essentials] in our passage on this earth.

I read a phrase that said: “We take care of our health to have a dignified death”. Although most would say that it [the goal] is “a dignified life”, one must question how they want to end their last days here, having health and being independent, confident, and fulfilled, or being in bed, suffering, sad, and tired.

In the Bible God gave us the manual on how to live and we had forgotten it. But are grateful again that it [this course] awakened interest [so] we can return to these very basics. We now know that in our decisions we have the power to choose between life (health) and death (disease).

Sometimes I feel like I tire my friends and people around me by sharing everything I learn, but I [don’t know how] to keep quiet about the truth? How [can you] keep quiet about what worked for you? It is impossible to do that! Especially so for those who directly experienced my episodes and saw a Bere so vulnerable, broken, and lost. I am a testimony that you can live again, have hope, and a change of thought.

I could tell many things about what I have learned and how my life has changed (Thanks be to God!), but it would take a lot of pages and time. In the same way, I tried to capture what was most relevant and what was from my heart.

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