Though the stream of immigrants is diminishing somewhat in Piedras Negras and Jimenez, they are still coming, and they need ministry. Keep in mind that they are entering and passing through Mexico illegally just as they are the USA. Mexico has similar problems to the ones that we have in that the legal system has no working solutions. The Church is the only body that can bring resolution to the problems caused by the bad leadership that we are burdened with for the time being. The problem is spiritual more than it is legal and civil. The Gospel changes hearts, and changed hearts manifest changed behavior. Since the Gospel is inherently political, we encounter resistance, but our weapons are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We need many more ministries that reach out to these immigrants so that these people can be saved, and so that their politics will become consistent with the Kingdom of God.
Many of the immigrants that our staff encounters are Christian, but their training is very shallow. They know Jesus, but their knowledge of the Word is weak, making it easy to deceive them. The harvest is great, but the laborers are few. Thank God for partners who are willing to support this necessary, but rarely exciting work of ministering to people on the streets and in the byways. The real histories of Earth are being written in Heaven, not in the offices of earth’s universities. The Lord remembers all of your offerings according to Psalm 20. God Bless you!