Office Number (830 ) 872-0047

Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc

Pedro and Fabiola ministering at a feeding center in Piedras Negras.

There are many more people in Northern Mexico than we are accustomed to having. Most of the influx is of course immigrants seeking to enter the US. This puts a strain on the city’s infrastructure and on the economy. Of course, we know that this is by design. The Devil has planned to break the economy of the USA and as many other countries as possible, but God is awakening his people and giving them the power to overcome the wicked one. We have asked the Lord to pour out his Spirit on the immigrants as well as the populations of the USA, Canada, Mexico, and the other countries in our hemisphere. Others are praying for the other parts of the world, but our focus is on the USA and Mexico. Jesus is Lord over chaos, loss, poverty, destruction, captivity, and oppression. Because he is Lord, we go into the field confident of the victory even when everything looks dark. Jesus is risen and he has the keys. He holds the title deed to the earth! The systems of man are failing, but the Lord is well able to take care of his people and enable us to reach out to others in demonstration of the power of God! Truth matters, and Jesus is the truth!

Pedro and Fabiola minister regularly at a feeding center that serves the local poor and more recently immigrants. The food and supplies draw the crowds so that we can teach and minister to the people. Thank you for your prayers.

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