Adolfo partners with churches in Piedras Negras so that he can operate feeding center and benevolence distribution in cooperation with them. The people who come to receive food, children’s ministry, clothing, shoes, household supplies, etc. hear the Gospel preached and taught by Adolfo, and by the ministry staff of the churches. The strategy allows Adolfo to minister in many churches in town without having to become part of the ministry staff of any of the churches, and without having to assume the task of discipleship for the converts. He is an evangelist. As such, he works best when he is allowed to focus on the task of gathering crowds and sowing the word of God in their lives. This is done in an environment where there is a pastoral staff ready to receive the new people, establish them in the faith, and disciple them. At this meeting, there are games and activities and refreshments for the children inside the building. Meanwhile there are piles of clothes outside where the mothers and young people busily sort through them for the thing that they need. The system looks messy compared to a department store, but it is efficient and satisfactory as far as the receivers are concerned. They are grateful for the gifts of love that help them to face the future with hope. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Spirit, Soul, Body, Financially, and Socially). The Gospel gives hope and future while the benevolence ministry gives them a token of the goodness of God promised in the word of God.
At present, Adolfo reports 380 children following him. He is praying for 1,000 children.
This Christmas, he plans to visit Estasion Marte in the Quatrocienegas desert region. There are between 60 and 80 children waiting for him. Thank you partners for your part in purchasing the van that he uses to minister in Piedras Negras and in the rest of the state of Coahuila.
While the children are playing inside, the mothers and many of the young people are outside gathering clothing for their households.