Office Number (830 ) 872-0047

Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc


Day of the Child celebrations

Pedro and Fabiola minister to the children in the village called Ejido Dolores which is across the San Diego River from Jimenez. Recently, the food bank authorized Pedro to receive donations for the benevolence ministry. We are rejoicing over the provision and so were the children! We thank the Lord for favor. These donations give

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Pedro and Fabiola minister to children in Jimenez

Fabiola teaches children in a Vacation Bible School setting. These are regular meetings. These children are happy to be able to get out of their house and learn the Word of God. They also enjoy the activities both inside and out in the yard. These children come regularly to learn about Jesus. Thank you for

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Adolfo and his team minister in Piedras Negras

Adolfo and his team are taking advantage of loosening of assembly restrictions. in Piedras Negras. This is the activity at the Emmanuel food distribution center in Piedras Negras. Adolfo and his team visit to bring food and ministry. His team is free to teach, preach, and pray for the people in the crowds. This center

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Felipe ministers to immigrants in Piedras Negras.

Since a rush for the border is underway, there is no shortage of people to minister the Gospel to. Felipe has been visiting the shelters in Piedras Negras and inviting handfuls of men to have lunch with him. They are usually hungry, so gathering a crowd is no trick. While they eat, he preaches Jesus

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Ramon and Norma Ministering to Children in Piedras Negras

Children’s ministry continues in Piedras Negras. These children are taught Bible stories which feature coloring, hand crafts, and instruction on what the stories mean to us. The events of the Bible happened long ago, but truth is timeless. It never changes, and it never gets old. After teaching time is over, the staff and children

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Tutoring Children In Their School Work

Ramon and Norma spend some of their time helping children who need help with their coursework. This is a good way to provide a useful service to the community, since the parents appreciate the help. But it is an opportunity to Evangelize the families as well. Jesus reached out to us, so we gladly reach

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Truth Matters

In meditating on what is happening in this country, I am impressed with the simple thought “truth matters”. We as humans are built to seek out knowledge, understanding, and certainty. Without them we are unable to navigate through life. There is a popular quote often attributed to George Orwell, (though is is doubtful that he

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Pedro and Fabiola hold a class in Naturopathy

Tuesday, August 25, 2020 Pedro and Fabiola work and live in the mission station known as Rancho Jovenes del Rey. It functioned as a boy’s home for decades, but now is an organic farm, a children’s ministry, base for a benevolence ministry and health training center. The Ranch is located in the village called Ejido

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Felipe and staff minister to immigrants

Felipe and some of the staff minister to immigrants in Piedras Negras who are waiting for an interview with the US consulate. Northern Mexico has many such people from all over the world. Many come from Central and South America, but some are coming from Africa and the Middle East. While they wait, they gather

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Dr. Bob King team teaching a community health seminar

In February 2020, Dr. Romo, M.D., N.D. asked me (Dr. Bob King, N.D. E.M.) to help him conduct a health seminar. We met in Devine, TX at the invitation of Reverend Aviel, Pastor of the Nazarene Church in Devine. The topic was respiratory health. At the time I had already treated four cases of flu

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Hungry Kids International is an Evangelistic Ministry

Hungry Kids International, Inc. A/K/A Bob King Ministries is an evangelistic ministry headquartered in Quemado, TX that operates in Mexico. We have a staff of Medical Missionaries. Our staff directly evangelizes through benevolence ministries, radio broadcasts, and community seminars. Our efforts are multiplied by our cooperation with other benevolence and medical ministries, such as Niños

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