We operate an organic farm at Rancho Jovenes del Rey in order to provide nourishing/ medicinal food for the entire staff. Pedro was trained in our natural medical school by Instituto Medicina Pastoral Albert Schweitzer and holds a MM (Medical Missionary) degree. Medical classes will resume again, but not immediately, since it will take the staff until the end of the year to be ready to continue. Food is the best medicine for stable, long term health. Earlier in the season, Pedro plowed the fields and obtained a gasoline powered pump for irrigation. The Ranch is located along one of the irrigation canals that are fed by the Rio Grande river, giving them access to a share of the water. Pedro and Fabiola’s children enjoy helping their dad plant, cultivate, and harvest the crops. Other people from the community also help him with his efforts.
Pedro’s work to raise organic food parallels the efforts of Dr. Romo of Harvest Ministries. Both farm and garden for the same reason; Organic food is superior as a food and as a medicine. Both Pedro and Alice Romo are experiencing illness that requires treatment from both Naturopathy [a former version of this post used the wrong word {nephropathy} my apologies] and the orthodox medical community. These foods are very important for their maintenance particularly.
Thank you for praying for us and for your support.