Pedro is planting for Spring at Rancho Jovenes del Rey. The tractor is rented from a local farmer who helps Pedro with the Organic farm project. This year, he is planting corn, watermelon, pumpkin, chili, tomato, cucumber, and some medical herbs. The farm is part of the medical ministry project. nutrition is a vital foundation for health, and organic produce is optimum for maintenance and/or reclaiming health.
The official COVID response has denied us the ability to organize community lectures, but things are beginning to open up again. We have a medical ministry because the Lord directed us to do what it takes to develop one. I am well aware that ministry to children is much more popular than medical ministry, but the health message with the knowledge of how to treat illness is important for our work gathering men to follow the Lord. Evangelizing children is satisfying in the short term, but the conversions prove transient unless the family is converted and trained in the ways of the Lord. We will continue to reach out to children, but we will also do everything possible to reach the family. Thank you for helping us.