Harvest Ministries sent four boxes of Spanish Bibles including both Old and New Testament, office supplies, Bible tracts, New Testaments, and some children’s Sunday School materials into Chiapas, Mexico. The recipient is a pastor working in the mountains of Chiapas a few miles from the border with Guatemala in the Pacific Ocean area. Harvest Ministries has been asked to organize and deliver a three day Medical Missionary seminar this coming April. It will be expensive to travel there and organize the meeting. God provides, so the Romos are seeking his guidance in preparation. We join with them in seeking God over the invitation and the project. Not everyone is invited to these venues. In many of the areas which have been closed to the Gospel the missionary must have a door opener. In these regions of Mexico and Central America, medicine is more interesting to the people than supplies and food. This ministry is valid and is fruitful.
Harvest Ministries has been sending Bibles to evangelists and missionaries in Chiapas. We thank God that he has opened doors that have been closed for so long!