Pedro and Fabiola teach a Bible study group at the ranch just outside of Jimenez, in Coah. They have developed relationships with the families of the community so that they have gathered a group of enthusiastic children who enjoy the sessions. Fabiola and Pedro teach the classes and organize the activities. They provide refreshments or a meal depending on our support level. Gifts were available, so they are an excellent draw. As you can see, the children were delighted, so they received the teaching gladly, as they always do. These children and their families are hearing the Gospel because the Lord sent us and our partners helped us go. Thank you for your love and faithfulness. We have blurred the faces of the children to respect their privacy according to the wishes of their parents.
Multitudes of children have been won to Jesus all over the world in settings similar to this. We seek to reach them young and teach them about the only one who will never leave them nor forsake them.