Adolfo has 300 children to provide a party for in Piedras Negras. Since the van that he had been depending on was so crippled that it could barely make it through town (until it did not make it anymore), he focused his efforts on Piedras Negras. this has resulted in access to children in six gathering centers across the city. The pastors and staff of the churches involved welcome his help, because the resulting parties provide an excellent opportunity to share the Gospel with the Children. For the party alone, the funding requirement is estimated to be $5.00/child * 300 => $1,500. We have this much, but more would be helpful for the purchase of more gifts. Keep in mind that the hearts of whole families are more open to the Gospel at this season than any other time of the year. Thank you for helping us to reach the lost for Jesus. Estasion Marte and Nuevo Yucatan are in the cue. All of Mexico shall be saved!