I have heard about the deaths or hospitalization of many friends of the ministry. It grieves me more that they did not have to die than that they did get sick and die. Natural Medicine is effective against COVID-19. It has the advantage of being available immediately upon detection of a viral infection. Preparation and early treatment can stop an infection before it gets started.
There is still a great deal of controversy regarding the proper response to COVID-19 and its variants. The Delta variant has proven to be deadly and sudden. It can go from zero to hospitalization in as little as four days. It also has an estimated reproductive number in excess of R5*, meaning one infected person can, on average, infect five other persons who can then infect five other persons. This is explosive. Most of our work is done in and around the border city of Piedras Negras. The staff and associated ministers experienced a rapid spread of COVID infections during the past two months. The death rate has been high, but those who are using natural medicine have fared well. I understand a push for vaccinations as I watch the spread and aftermath of this disease [which I believe to be a bio-weapon]. Though the vaccines are decreasing in effectiveness, and it is questionable whether they decrease viral load in the recipient, they have been effective in reducing the hospitalization and death rate of those who have received full vaccination. Notwithstanding this, there are other, I believe superior, ways of treating this disease which are much less invasive than an injection of viral RNA and toxic substances, which include mercury, etc. There are cheap, effective pharmaceutical alternatives, which other writers have elaborated on, but the discussion has been “discouraged”. The protocol that our medical missionaries use as a template is posted on the SERVICES page of this website. It is flexible and has been proven to be effective. Our experience as a ministry is described below.
Our ministry encompasses staff (almost all of whom have received natural medical training) and associate ministries. Both staff and associates were affected by the outbreak. Those who used natural medicine during this outbreak fared far better than those who went to the clinics and hospital. Each Medical Missionary and patient who had gotten sick recovered completely at home. Our staff does not fear COVID-19 because it is so reliably treated by diet, lifestyle, and the appropriate herbs. The big secret is early treatment at home. We do not delay treating the first signs of a cold. The earlier it is stopped, the milder the case turns out to be. The protocol can look intimidating, but it can be followed by anyone who is willing to read it and use it to prepare for infection. Most of the herbs and nutrients mentioned can be obtained from Amazon, and many can be obtained at the grocery store. Adequate nutrition, fresh air, sunshine, and vitamin D are the very important. Vitamin D can be dangerous at high levels, but very few people have so much vitamin D in their system that supplementation is dangerous. The main contraindication is high blood pressure (meaning do not take large doses of vitamin D if you have high blood pressure). Even if blood pressure is high, sunshine and fresh air will raise natural vitamin D levels and lower blood pressure.
Dr. Romo from Harvest Ministries reports the same observations as I have shared, though he has treated more patients than I have. He has not lost anyone who followed his indications (nor have I), but the death rate from those who depended on vaccination has been high.
None of our staff Including those in Quemado have been vaccinated, but we have been able to successfully treat every respiratory condition that has presented. Betty King is now in her late eighties. She presented with a quickly developing flu. No, we did not have her tested. There was not time to wait for test results. I treated her with diet, vitamins, and herbs (most of them are common). Because she waited two or more days before reporting her symptoms, she developed pneumonia with blood in the sputum, but under treatment her oxygen perfusion did not drop below 98, and her fever broke after two days. She recovered and is doing well.
A note about censorship: The people of the Soviet Union in the cold war era were starved for truth. There was no shortage of news, but the news that was available was propaganda. The result was an insatiable thirst for news from other sources, such as Radio Free Europe. The Soviet authorities condemned the broadcasts as lies and censored them, but they never disproved the offensive news. Dismissal is not the same as debunking. My suggestion is that when there is an elephant in the room which is officially avoided or dismissed, it should be talked about, because it is probably not far from the truth. It appears that we are being told part of the truth, but if we were allowed to know the rest of the story, our decisions would be much different from what the population is doing. God promised that there is nothing hidden that will not be made known, so do not lose heart and do not sit down. Jesus is Lord, and he is the Great Resurrection.