Bread of Life is a Church in Piedras Negras. The pastoral staff has invited Adolfo and his team to minister with them in feeding the hungry and preaching the Gospel. Adolfo is an Evangelist, and that anointing enables him to draw a crowd. He gathers children and parents to a meeting where teaching, preaching, and activities minister Jesus to those who come. Food, clothing, and supplies are distributed as they are made available to us (We must source the supplies in Mexico). The local pastor ministers to these children. After a few hours of activities, preaching, teaching, a meal, and distribution of whatever food and supplies that Adolfo has, the crowd disburses looking forward to the next meeting. Bread of Life is one of many feeding locations that Adolfo uses to evangelize the city. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Adolfo says of this church: “This is the feeding center Pan de Vida (Bread of Life) in the area around Colonia Bravo otherwise known as Devil’s Alley. We have been working with seventy children. We teach them to love each other. They live in a dangerous part of the city, but God sent us there. We love it!” Amen