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Hungry Kids


Bob King Ministries, Inc

Dr. Romo ministers the Gospel in Lacondon, Chiapas

Dr. Albert, M.D., N.D. and Alice Romo ministered in Lacondon Chiapas last month. They sent these pictures for our partners to see. The Romos operate Harvest Ministries, which ministers in and to Mexico. They are medical missionaries who have found marvelous favor from many of the tribal people in Chiapas. They have access to areas of the jungles that are closed to the public. Along with access, they are free to teach and preach the Gospel while teaching natural medicine in the villages. This is a clear case of medicine opening the door to the Gospel. Christian natural (Naturopathic) medicine differs from tribal medicine in philosophy (being Bible based), medical science, and the source of spiritual power (The Spirit of God). Naturopaths depend on the power of the Holy Spirit to bring about regeneration of the spirit, soundness to the soul, and healing for the body. The personal responsibility for diet and lifestyle leads naturally to the teaching of repentance in all areas of life. Turn from sin and selfishness to Jesus and the Gospel.

Juanjo (Not Pictured) is a 67 year old male who experiences frequent epileptic convulsions since the age of 7. He roams the nearby towns and countryside begging for food and extra pocket money which he uses to by Huachicol, alcohol made from lumber resin (Methanol). This is very toxic to humans, but is a cheap way to get drunk. He is from the village of San Felipe in Chiapas. Dr. Romo is treating Juanjo by giving him high doses of vitamins and minerals. They will be returning to the area and are hoping to meet him again to reevaluate him and continue treatment. Dr. Romo has developed a deep friendship with one of the tribal leaders of the region. The man is a believer who has known the Lord for most of his life. He has supervisory authority over at several of the churches and has recognized the call into the ministry under the guidance of Dr. Romo. He is now pastoring in three of the churches. The brother has invited Dr. Romo and Alice to be honored guests at the wedding of his son to be celebrated September 25 of this year. This is an honor, since entry into the jungles of Chiapas is by invitation only. God is good!

The area has few doctors, so the tribe is looking forward to the opening of a medical school in the village. Dr. Romo will be organizing and teaching courses in Naturopathic medicine centering on the power of the Gospel. All life, health, and healing come through Jesus. Medicine can either point to the Lord or it points to the glory of the physician. We at Hungry Kids International and Harvest Ministries give all glory to the Lord Jesus for life, health, and healing.

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Local residents of Lacandon, chiapas wear a a traditional tunic, though American styles are not uncommon.
Dr. Romo is pictured in front of the village church with a group of congregants in the village Metzabok.
Dr. Romo talks with a regional pastor who is also a tribal leader. Territories in Chiapas are strictly separated. Some are open to the Gospel and some are not. Please pray for the people of southern Mexico.

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