Thank you so much for your concern for the well being of Pricila and her sister (also caregiver) Mague. The budged for the project has been filled, and the project is underway. It should be finished by week’s end. The response has been very encouraging to us. Yes, Pricila is still in our care. She probably always will be, since she is a person with special needs. Prisi has epilepsy, and has limited functionality. She is happy and well cared for, but the medicine cost is substantial.
The building had suffered because there has been no budget to keep it up. Prici had been staying in the parsonage with Felipe and Angelica for several years, but she and Mague moved to the apartment to give Mague more access to care for her. Angelica is still able to supervise the care arrangement.
As to the building, there is substantial water damage, but it is reparable. The work pictured above is still in progress, but should be completed by Friday 13 (no, I do not fear the day and neither should you). We are rejoicing to see what the Lord has done. There are many other repairs that the campus needs in order to ready it for ministry to women with children who need shelter. There is quite a need for that ministry.