Adolfo has been ministering throughout Piedras Negras and in two villages that are about 300 miles from Piedras Negras (according to Google Maps), but he has been making the long trips in either rented or borrowed vehicles. He has a van, but it is worn out and I believe that God has a way to help him get a better one so that he can continue ministering the Gospel. We have a fund set up for the purchase of this vehicle, To date, we have $500 toward the van. Adolfo sent the following message to me today (edited for clarity):
“Brother, any news for the minivan? I’m struggling with gas…and mechanics. Today was the second time that the van stopped in the middle of the road. Just asking…and see what I can do.”
We believe that God sent Adolfo to the mission field. We rejoice to see the fruit of his ministry. Please pray with us for the means to provide a vehicle for his work. We thank our partners for the faithful support that they have given over these many years to help us accomplish what the Lord called us to do. God Bless You!

Adolfo wants to take a team back to Marte, but has not had the money to rent a vehicle for several months. There are people in both villages (Estasion Marte, and Nuevo Yucatan) waiting for their return.
Gifts toward this project can be indicated as “Van for Adolfo”.