The single mother who Adolfo and his team have been helping with her pregnancy has had her baby. She is a healthy girl. The support has allowed the woman to eat well enough for the baby to develop properly, though she is small. She weighed about 7 lb when she was born. Her mother had been living on one meal per day, which she shared with her other young daughter leaving the child in her womb only enough nourishment to grow to about 3.5 lb until we were able to reach her and help her. Adolfo has been presenting the Gospel and praying with the family. Ramon and Norma have been helping to care for her also. This family is appreciative of the help. Benevolence opens the door for the Gospel, but it is expensive. Adolfo covered the costs for tests, doctor, transportation, food, and supplies. We support his work, which is anointed and filled with the love of God. The Gospel has taken this family from hopelessness to Jesus. Praise the Lord!